• Stonehaven, Main Road, Union Mills, Isle of Man
  • 07624322431
  • September 20, 2024

MCD4D Donations

Our membership fees cover the administration and insurance costs.
Our driving fees cover the heat, light, and arena hire costs.

We rely on Corporate donations from Trusts, companies, and generous philanthropists to enable us to acquire and maintain our equipment, ponies and their livery.

We’re very grateful and really appreciate the generosity of our donors on whom we rely. In return we ensure that all donations are spent on essentials for the Charity.
We’re all volunteers giving our time and skill freely
If you’re in a position to provide or recommend Manx Carriage Driving 4 Disabled for some funding, then please contact us and we’ll indicate what we may use your kind offer.

To help our smooth running and intended growth, providing more drives to more deserving folk, more often!

In anticipation:-